

Fw: 【日刊 アジアのエネルギー最前線】日本の長期金利の安定ぶり

>【日刊 アジアのエネルギー最前線】日本の長期金利の安定ぶり
>今日の日経の,勝負あった 黒田日銀の「国債管理相場」,の記事は,かなり象徴的ですね。このサイトでも数年前から,日本の財政赤字の行き着く先は,日銀の国債買取とハイパーインフレ,と自分なりに言い聞かせてきました。日銀券を刷る,と言う言葉は,私の文章の中に何度も出てきました。昨年12月の総選挙半ば,安倍さんが金融緩和を叫び始めて,ああ,自民党が勝ったな,と感じた場面がありました。
>◆131028 Vietnam Gov't orders thorough review of hydropower plants。洪水処理などいろいろ問題を起こしてきた水力の乱開発,国会からのチェックが入った。6つの大規模水力,418の小水力,計画から削除。我々から見ていても乱開発と写ったのは特に中部,急勾配で流れ落ちる河川のダムで,問題は洪水の際の処理に疑問があり,何時かは見直しが必要なベトナムの実情だった。http://bit.ly/1clEZsu
>◆131028 Keeping open the lifeline to Tibet,中国のこれからの発展にとって,チベットは重要な役割を演ずる。まだ列車が開通していないルート,国道214号線,ヒマラヤに近く新しい地質時代の中で顕著な地質断層が走り,地震も多く,崖の崩壊によってしばしば道路が不通となる。そのために駆り出されるのは,チベットのダム開発に従事する電力会社である。これに従事する技術者の厳しい日常の記録である。http://bit.ly/HqiLHk
>◆131028 China worried by Canada's slow pace of energy infrastructure,カナダのオリバー資源相の極東訪問,日本,韓国,中国と折衝したが,中国より不満が出ていることで,会見。日本の茂木さんは恐らく買い手一本槍の対応だが,中国はシェールガスの売り手としての投資も行っている。先日も投資を一部引き上げる話があったが,問題はカナダ側の政府公社の姿勢と,太平洋岸へのパイプラインの遅延が問題になっているようだ。http://bit.ly/1as8Hqq
>◆131028 China's South Tibet ambition: Will it cost India Kashmir too? この記事はインドで書かれたものだが,構想は北京の中国人ジャーナリストのもの,中国の領土的野心は,歴史が語っているが,50年内に行動が起こるとすれば,台湾20年,南沙25年,南チベット30年,尖閣40年,外モンゴル45年,露領土50年。何れにしても,実際に行動が起こされるものかどうか疑問だが,長い歴史が語っている,尖閣だけは別扱いにしてほしい。http://bit.ly/16DpbyV
>◆131028CN 中国紙、一転し全面謝罪 拘束記者が誤報(有料会員限定)
>◆131028CN 改革派教授の解雇「政治迫害でない」 北京大が声明
>朝日新聞 - ?Oct 25, 2013?
>夏氏はノーベル平和賞を受賞した劉暁波氏が共産党の独裁に反対した「08憲章」に署名し、政治分野でも積極的な発言をしてきた論客。11日、学内の教員資格審査会議で契約継続をしないことが決まり、波紋を呼んでいた。 この記事に関するニュース. 北京大、改革派の教授 .
>◆131028CN 安倍首相が中国批判、「日本がしっかりと主張」=報道
>ロイター - ?45 minutes ago?
>... チェック. [東京 26日 ロイター] -安倍晋三首相は、26日付のウォールストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)とのインタビューで、中国の影響力拡大に対抗するため、日本がしっかりと主張していくことが重要との認識を示した。 首相は「中国が法の支配でなく、力による現状変更を試み ...
>◆131028CN 北京、再び「深刻な大気汚染」 石炭消費増え
>日本経済新聞-29 秒前
>【北京=山田周平】中国の北京市で28日午前にかけ、微小粒子状物質「PM2.5」の濃度が再び上昇し、市内の複数の観測地点で6段階で最悪の「深刻な汚染」を記録した。気温が下がって暖房用の石炭消費が増え始めたうえ、この日は気圧が低くPM2.5が滞留 ...
>◆131028CN Keeping open the lifeline to Tibet
>Chinadaily USA-2 時間前
>Yang, a manager at Sichuan Hydropower Investment and Management Group, was dispatched to Shangri-La in the aftermath of the quake. Yang's company has a contract to clear the existing highway and construct a new one. When we met ...
>◆131028CN China's coal barons set sights on new jobs
>Xinhua-14 時間前
>XI'AN, Oct. 27 (Xinhua) -- As the cool-down of China's domestic coal industry continues,coal mine owners made rich by the industry are now looking to new profitable careers. "We are seeking ways out," said Zhao Cunfa, a former coal mine ...
>◆131028CN China worried by Canada's slow pace of energyinfrastructure ...
>The Globe and Mail-2 時間前
>China's state-owned companies are still keen to invest in Canada'senergy sector, but worry about the slow pace of ... stakes in oil-sands companies, and raised the bar for assessing their other acquisitions in theoil and gas sector. ... of its shale-gas assets in the Horn River and Montney areas o
f Western Canada, which it acquired from DaylightEnergy for $2-billion in 2011, Reuters reported from Beijing.
>◆131028CN China crude oil imports surge likely due to re-stocking, inventories
>South China Morning Post-7 時間前
>Is China's rise to be the world's top net oil importer as bullish as it sounds, or are there still reasons to be cautious? ... largest net oil importer, ahead of the United States, a situation that is likely to persist, according to the US Energy Information ...
>◆131028CN China's demand outlook to top agenda at Singaporeenergy meet
>The National-12 時間前
>China explores for shale gas in the hope of replicating the energybonanza in the United States. ... officials and their Asian counterparts will be the future of demand growth in China, which became the world's top oilimporter this month. ... Other speakers include Adnan Amin, the director general
of the Abu Dhabi-based International Renewable EnergyAgency; ... change in energy fortunes will not weaken Saudi relationship ・ □ Gold standard applies in UAE nuclear energy programme ...
>◆131028CN China's South Tibet ambition: Will it cost India Kashmir too?
>Firstpost-16 時間前
>But this should be an awakener for India and the world: "The Six WarsChina is Sure to Fight in the next 50 Years." ... Twenty years later, although India will lag behind more compared to China in military power, yet it is still one of the few world ...
>◆131028CN Energy alliance for A better future
>The Nation-11 時間前
>Thus, cash-rich China buys a measure of energy security and Russia gets much-needed cash for its budget. ... The fact that China has other similar continental sources besides Russia, such as Myanmar and Central Asia, further increases Beijing's power. ... This has worked for oil, with Rosneft conc
luding a series of agreements with China National Petroleum Corporation, and ... The shale gas revolution in the United States has caused serious changes in international energy flows.
>◆131028CN Chinese firm prepares bid for coal-fired power station
>Telegraph.co.uk-8 時間前
>A Chinese energy giant is bidding to acquire a power plant that supplies 4pc of Britain's electricity needs ? just days ... Meiya Power, a subsidiary of China General Nuclear Power Group (CGNPG), is in the running to acquire the 2 gigawatt (GW) Eggborough coal-fired power station in North Yorkshir
e. ... Other groups bidding for Eggborough include thePhilippines-based Manila Electric Co. ... British Gas delivered a blow to 7.8 million households as it confirmed price rises from next ...
>◆131028IN インドの野党集会で爆発、5人死亡 首相候補が標的か
>CNN Japan - ?8 minutes ago?
>(CNN) インド東部ビハール州パトナで27日、野党集会の開催を前に爆発が相次ぎ、当局によると少なくとも5人が死亡、83人が負傷した。 一連の爆発は、来年の総選挙での野党インド人民党(BJP)の首相候補、ナレンドラ・モディ氏の演説前に起きた。 ビハール州首相による ...
>◆131028IN NHPC revises its strategy, to focus on thermal projects
>Livemint-8 時間前
>New Delhi: The state-owned hydropower company NHPC Ltd has decided to also focus on developing thermal power plants in India in a move that will put it in direct competition with another state-owned company, NTPC Ltd. The main reason ...
>◆131028IN Vacant seats on board drags Coal India into deeper crisis
>Economic Times-7 時間前
>KOLKATA: The government's dilly-dallying over appointment of independent directors ofCoal India has forced the state-run miner to violate a key clause of the listing norms and it may also affect the process of declaring the company's ...
>◆131028IN Mega land acquisition by Bengal for coal blocks
>Times of India-著者: Suman Chakraborti-10 時間前
>KOLKATA: The West Bengal Mineral Development & Trading Corporation Ltd will acquire around 2,800 hectares of land for three coal blocks in Burdwan, one of the largest land acquisitions by any state-run agency since Trinamool Congress ...
>◆131028IN Kudankulam plant generates 188 MW power for second onsecutive ...
>Firstpost-33 分前
>Chennai: For the second day in succession, the first unit of KudankulamNuclear Power Project (KNPP) Sunday ... Power System Operation Corporation operates the power grids ? regional and national ? and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. ... In August, the Atomic En
ergy Regulatory Board gave its nod to KNPP to raise the reactor power levels to 50 percent and ... The fight over Goel and Harshvardhan has destroyed BJP's chances in Delhi politics.
>◆131028IN Rajpura thermal plant to start without rail link
>Times of India-6 時間前
>The Times of India ... Date of commercial production of power, i.e. when the plant would start selling power to the state, is January 17. ... from Sarai Banjara, a small station situated on the busy New Delhi-Amritsar rail link between Sirhind and Rajpura stations. ...The plant would initially be
commissioned by using special oil as a fuel for the first few days. While other thermal power stations in the state have been provided with a single connecting track (where rakes carrying coal go and ...
>◆131028IN India's Mining Company to Invest in Ethiopian Coal Mine
>AllAfrica.com-1 時間前
>Indian mining firm May Flower Mining Enterprise Ltd is to invest $116 million in the Delbi Mining S.C.'s coal mine in ... its geothermal energyresources from where only 7.3 MW power is currently being produced at a pilot plant, according to ...
>◆131028US 米8州、EV普及で協力 助成金や充電器増設(有料会員限定)
>◆131028US 次世代エコカーで覇権狙う 米、メーカーを後押し(有料会員限定)
>◆131028TH Myanmar, Thailand to generate electricity through solar power
>Mizzima News-10 分前
>The Myanmar electric power authorities will initiate a project to generate electricitythrough solar power in cooperation with a ... the growing demand of electricity in the country in addition to sources obtained through hydro, gas and coal power, ..
>◆131028PH Quake impact review for megadam urged
>Inquirer.net-13 時間前
>It aims to develop irrigation systems, generate hydroelectric power and provide domestic and industrial water supply. The project involves the construction of three dams (Jalaur reservoir, afterbay and catch dams), a 6.6-megawatt hydro power ...
>◆131028PH Otto Energy to update Philippines based service contract, BHP ...
>Proactive Investors Australia-5 時間前
>Otto Energy (ASX: OEL) is poised to make an announcement concerning finalisation of the issuance of the Strategic Environmental Plan ... Service Contract 55 is located offshore Palawan, Philippines, and covers 9880 square kilometres.
>◆131028PH Mindanao solon seeks inquiry into oil drilling exploration in Sulu Sea
>Manila Channel-19 時間前
>MANILA- The Chairman of the House Committee on Muslim Affairs is seeking an inquiry into the oil drilling explorations ... and Production Philippines B.V. of its exploration well in the Sulu Sea under the Department of Energy (DOE) Service ...
>◆131028PH National grid on alert for barangay elections
>Manila Standard Today-12 時間前
>BAGUIO CITY?The National Grid Corp (NGCP) has placed its personnel nationwide on heightened alert against security breaches during the Barangay elections on October 28, a spokesperson said. Cynthia Alabanza, head of the corporate ...
>◆131028PH San Miguel to seal Albay retail power deal on Oct 29
>Rappler-3 時間前
>MANILA, Philippines - The power unit of diversified conglomerate San Miguel Corporation will sign the agreement with Albay Electric ... This is more or less ceremonial," Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho Petilla told reporters last week.
>◆131028PH PLDT, Gokongwei expanding alliance
>Manila Standard Today-12 時間前
>PLDT chairman Manuel Pangilinan, whose group also controls ManilaElectric Co., said he planned to revive talks with the Gokongwei family over the construction of a power plant that would supply electricity to JG Summit's petrochemical factory in Batangas province. ... stake in PLDT, following the
latter's acquisition of Digital TelecommunicationsPhilippines, the cellular arm of the Gokongwei Group in ...
>◆131028PH Malaysian group inks deal for $160-M RE project in Cebu
>Philippine Star-13 時間前
>$160-M RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECT: The Mudajaya Group of Malaysia has signed a partnership agreement with local players for a $160-million integrated renewable energy project in the Philippines. ... MANILA, Philippines - The Mudajaya Group of Malaysia has signed a partnership agreement with local pl
ayers for a $160-million integrated renewable energy project in ... Visayan Wind chairman Esteban Pena Sy said this will be the first wind power generation project in Cebu.
>◆131028PH Prepayment of Napocor debt mulled
>InterAksyon-10 時間前
>MANILA ? The government plans to prepay National Power Corp's (Napocor) debts. ... Privately-owned National Grid Corp of the Philippinesoperates the country's power transmission monopoly, while the IIPAs are companies ... From 2001 to 2010, Psalm had privatized nearly all of Napocor's plants and I
PPA contracts in Luzon and the Visayas. ... are the IPPAs for the Casecnan and Caliraya-Botokan-Kalayaa

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